About Us


About us

Servicefy is a One Stop Solution for your home daily needs, full-service cleaning service, Home maintenance, Gardening, Packing and moving in Perth WA. Over the  5+ years of our operations, we have dedicated countless hours learning the latest and greatest cleaning techniques for various commercial establishments, which has allowed us to serve our customers better each time they come to work with us. No job is too small for us – we regularly and diligently cater to the services and requirements of big and small work across Perth WA.

We Also provide services related to packing, moving, and transporting goods from one location to another. We help people and businesses to move their household or commercial goods to a new location safely and efficiently. The services we offered may include packing and loading of goods, transportation, unloading, and unpacking at the destination. They may also provide additional services such as storage facilities, insurance coverage for goods, and assistance with customs clearance for international moves.

We have trained professionals who specialize in handling different types of goods such as fragile items, heavy equipment, and furniture. We use appropriate packing materials and techniques to ensure that the goods are safe and secure during transportation.

Cheerful contractors at an office doing a cleaning service  - Service concepts

Our experienced cleaners, Movers, Gardener are experts in the industry. No matter what projects you need, we are confident that you will be happy with our work. You will encounter friendly and professional cleaners when you book with us. We are highly recommended by our locals in Perth, WA.

We are a recognized name in delivering residential and Commercial property.

You are guaranteed to receive exactly what you are looking for in a professional cleaning of your home or place of business, Or you are looking for Professional Moving company, Or you are seeking for Professional landscaping serving let us provide you an amazing experience.

You get a team of professional cleaners, who understand their duties and responsibilities. You would not have to guide them with what they should do and how. Your place will sparkle again with the safe cleaning solutions and equipment that we use. You can also rest assured that our professionals are insured. You don’t have to worry about any potential damages.

We are upfront with our price, and our flat rates will definitely suit your budget and needs. All you have to do is select a date, tell us where we should be cleaning, sit back and relax. We will be taking care of everything with a guarantee that you will be happy to see the outcome.

We are simply proud of One Stop Solution for your exceptional customer care service to match your needs!

Property Maintenance Services

Mover & Packer

Mover & Packer

Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.

House Cleaning

House Cleaning

Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.



Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.

Car Detailing

Car Detailing

Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.

Age care

Age care

Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.

Commercial Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning

Servicefy are the most reliable and professional removalist Perth. We are providing relocation services in Perth WA.

Future Services

Future Services

Plumber, Painter, handyman, etc